Get Involved
We have created this page in conjunction with the United Association Political & Legislative Affairs Department to enable members to GET INVOLVED in the political and legislative process. For local and regional politics we will update you with current information.
Through the International, you can visit their website to access effective grass-roots tools that will allow you to GET INVOLVED at both the national and local level. Up-to-date information on recent events is also made available on both websites for key legislative and political issues relevant to workers and the labor movement.
The United Association views legislative and political affairs among our top goals and priorities, primarily because of the impact on jobs and on our future. And, today, the need for every UA member to be politically and legislatively active is greater than ever before. Our efforts are focused on protecting rights of workers and unions and creating good jobs for working families. Our strength, as always, lies in our solidarity – when our voices united as one, we cannot be ignored
Now is the time to GET INVOLVED! Whether you are veteran UA member or a first-year apprentice --your involvement is essential to our future.

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