Current Job List
Dispatch for Wednesday, February 12th, 2025
No Calls
***You must show up for work with your ID, social security card, OSHA card, and tools***
The dispatch call in phone is (702) 626-0817 – when you call this number you will be connected to Google Voice and asked to leave a message. PLEASE LEAVE A CLEAR MESSAGE STATING AND SPELLING YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME. THE NUMBER YOU CALL IN FROM WILL BE THE NUMBER USED TO CALL YOU BACK - you can call to register once the job line is posted and until 9:15 am the day of dispatch - all calls will be recorded.
*Anytime you are picking up a dispatch you must be prepared to show a current state issued ID, your social security card, and a current OSHA 10 or 30 card. You will not receive a dispatch without these items.
*Please be aware that due to the drug testing procedure, you will need to provide a list of all current medications that you've been taking. Your pharmacy can print this out for you. You will need to take it with you to the lab where you will take your urinalysis and swab test.
*Roll call will start at 8:30 am and go until 9:15 am. Dispatch will begin at 9:30 am
Tool List
25' Tape Measure, Chalk Box, 430 and 440 Channel Locks, Torpedo Level, 8" and 12" Crescent Wrench, Striker, 32 oz. Ball Peen Hammer, Adjustable Combination Square or Tri Square, 18" Level, 14" Pipe Wrench, 4 Way Screwdriver, 5/rd16" Nut Driver and Torque Wrench, Tiny Tim Saw, #20 Tube Cutter, Claw Hammer, Tin Snips, Linesman Pliers, Jab Saw, Medium Allen Key Set