Local 525 Political Action Committee - (6/4/2007)
From Greg Esposito, Chairman Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 525 PAC.
The Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 525 Political Action Committee was established January 3rd 1990. It's mission was to represent our members and their families in the political arena. Our predecessors saw the need to fight for proper representation, and it's an endeavor we continue on today. The committee is comprised entirely of volunteers, and over the years hundreds of helpers, apprentices, journeymen, and travel cards have donated their time to stand up for our rights as organized labor. 2007-08 will be a very important time for Local 525 and all of organized labor in Nevada. The presidential caucuses will assure that our issues as working families are heard by today's leaders. As always I encourage everyone to get involved. Please keep checking back here weekly for more information on issues and upcoming events.
Greg Esposito
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