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What if you wanted to speak up but couldn't? - (12/29/2007)

We joined the Union because we wanted representation. We wanted strength. We wanted what was fair and just. We are Union members, we are brothers and sisters, and we stand united. But there is a great weakness in our family. Some of our brothers and sisters do not have a voice. Some members of Local 525 do not have the ability to choose the conditions that they work and live in. And it is their own fault.
Voting is choice. It is when you choose who will lead us. Choose who will fight for our rights as working men and women. Choose who will represent us as providers for our families. To not register to vote is taking away your right to choose. Not being registered means that you do not have a voice. Not being registered means that you are not represented. Make sure right now that you are registered to vote!
If you google Clark County Election Department the first listing is where you can check to see if you are registered to vote. On the upper right hand side of the screen you can enter your name and birth date. Please take just a moment to make sure your right to vote is intact. Here is the direct link to the same site.
Ignore the ignorance you hear about your voice not counting. We are Union members; we speak loudest when we speak united! Ignore the foolishness about not having the time or desire to get involved. This is our future as workers and providers at stake! There is no excuse for a person of strength to not use their voice. We have earned the right to be heard. It is an injustice to waive that right and sit silently by as politicians choose our path for us!
Do justice to those who have fought and died for your right to have a voice and speak up! Register to vote right now! The necessary forms are available at the Union hall. Next time you come to the hall ask to register to vote. It will take less than two minutes.
If you google Clark County Election Forms the first listing is where you can Request A Registration Application by e-mail. Fill out the form and they will send you the necessary paperwork to register to vote. Here is the direct link to the same site.
Knowledge is power. Go to and visit the Political Action page for news updates and information about what activities your Union is involved in. We are constantly updating the information on our site so you can make informed decisions.
Another way you can remain informed is to submit your e-mail address for updates. On the lower left portion of the page is the Newsletter button. Click it and fill out the form to be kept apprised of what is important to you.
If we speak as a Union, they will be forced to listen. If our voice is weakened by apathy, we will become victims to those that will rule us. Speak up! Register to vote!
Greg Esposito
Political Action Committee Chairman

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